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Auto Accidents

auto accident lawyers

It can happen to anyone at anytime: You're commuting to work, one hand wrapped around a hot cup of joe while you nod your head to the music. Suddenly, you hear the crunch of steel as your neck is jerked violently back and forth. The driver behind you has rear-ended your car, possibly while checking a text message or fiddling with the radio dial. It's not your fault, but now you have yet another item on your busy agenda to handle. What should you do? Read More...

Medical Malpractice

Statistics vary dramatically on the number of medical mistakes that occur in the United States. Some studies place the number of medical mistakes in excess of one million annually while other studies place the number as low as a few hundred thousand. It is widely accepted however that iatrogenic disease (disease or injury caused by a medical mistake or medical treatment) is the third leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease and cancer. Read More...

Personal Injury

There are several types of accidents that can result in personal injury cases. Most personal injury victims are not aware that their accident may have been caused by someone else's negligence. Having this knowledge can lead you in the right path of collecting a compensation for your injuries. Hiring your professional legal team can help you to determine if your accident is due to negligence and fight for your compensation. There are several accidents that can result in personal injury (also known as PI) cases, but these are the most common. Read More...

Work Injury

If you have been injured at work, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. However, many workers who suffer a workplace injury find that their worker's compensation claim has stalled or does not resolve in their favor because they are unfamiliar with how the system works. Furthermore, in certain situations, an injured worker may have additional claims against their employer that fall outside the workers compensation system. By following these useful steps you can build a solid case for your workers compensation claim and protect yourself on additional claims that might be available. Read More...

work injury accident lawyers


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